Car Stereo Suppressor Where Is Sound Suppressor For A Ford Escort 'R' Reg.
Where is sound suppressor for a ford escort 'R' reg. - car stereo suppressor
I changed my car radio to the sound of the engine to capture. How can I avoid interference.
The first thing is to not buy a harness that directly benefit the son of your car? If you simply cut the son of the harness and then connect the new stereo-link is a bad idea. You can get a lot of blood on the train on the cable, which hum. Even if you're not a wire in the battery ensures that the backup is more than a foot away from the battery, which sometimes causes problems. Also make sure that nothing touches RCA jacks on the back of the car. It can lead to this happening as well. Basically, check all cables and make sure it's nothing short-circuited.
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